Thursday, 10 February 2011

Experimenting with positioning the final piece

For my final piece, I have decided which pictures I would like to incorporate in the final collage. I then printed them off and rearranged them in several ways. These are the images that I would like to use in my final piece.

In this layout, I quite like the colour scheme that is made quite apparent with the arrangement of the images. The light brown hues evident from the picture of the coffe cup, and the picture of the knife and fork, are placed right next to each other, whilst the dark pictures including more of a dark brown tone are lined together also. Creating quite a barrier and pattern scheme within the colours.

I placed the biggest sized picture above all the other smaller ones to give the final piece an appeal of a newspaper because this is the layout that they usually conform to in newspapers.

I rearranged these pictures to look as though they were bricks in a wall, the spacing is small, smiliar to the pattern of bricks in a wall. i thought this was quite an interesting technique as bricks are usually brown and tones of brown are prominent within these images. This is quite an unusual approach to rearranging my images.

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